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Friday, August 27, 2010

Creating “The Plan” – a Skeleton Framework

In this BLOG posting, I will provide you with an outline or skeleton framework that you can use to create your own plan or plans for surviving whatever comes your way.  In no way should you accept that this framework is complete.  In fact, you should take this framework and expand upon it as much as possible so that it meets your individual requirements, needs and limitations.

Regardless of whether or not you are looking at Urban survival or Wilderness survival the basic framework for both are going to be very similar.  The basic characteristics for both frameworks are going to have the following in common – subject to the limitations of your location and of course, any unique circumstances that might come into play could cause.

Survival can be broken down into the following 6 basic requirements:
  1. Shelter
  2. Water
  3. Food
  4. Health/Medical
  5. Security
  6. Sanitation

Shelters will certainly vary depending on your environment (urban or wilderness settings).  In an urban setting, staying in your current dwelling (house, condo or apartment) might be a valid choice.  If it is, then preparing your current abode to serve you well in the future is something that must be addressed.  If your current home is not suitable for long-term survival then you are going to need to find another place to use as your shelter.  Be aware that in an urban setting you will be competing with other survivors for the same available shelters.  Possible shelters may include: houses, condos, apartment buildings, school buildings, fallout shelters, subway tunnels, places of worship: churches/synagogues/mosques/temples, hospitals, police stations, fire departments, and military bases. Your plans for urban shelter need to take into account the location, structural integrity of the shelter, security of the shelter, maintenance of the shelter and other factors.  Additionally, you will need to figure out how you will gain access to these possible shelters and what you might need to do if others are either already occupying them or competing with you to occupy them. 

Generally speaking, I would not seriously look at shelter in an urban setting for long-term survival because of the need for renewable food sources, abundant water supply, sanitation and potentially dangerous security issues with large groups of people also trying to survive and vie for the same limited resources that you also want.  Grocery stores or supermarkets usually only have about 72 hours (3 days) worth of food items available and on their shelves.  However, widespread looting is highly likely to happen and all the available food could be gone in just a few hours or less.  The stores are dependent on shipments of food to restock their supplies and without regular shipments the shelves will be stripped bare and nothing will be available to you once the looting is done.  If you plan to stay in an urban setting for awhile, then you need to plan for the other 5 items on the basic requirements list and make sure you have them when you need them. 

Being in a wilderness setting presents its own set of unique challenges with regards to having proper shelter.  Certainly, geography and weather will dictate the type of shelter you will need at the minimum for survival.  Also, how long you plan to stay in a given location will also impact what kind of shelter you will want to either find or build.  In cold weather environments your shelter is your first defense from dying from hypothermia.  In wet environments your shelter needs to keep all of you dry, as well as, your supplies that you are counting on for survival.  In hot, arid environments your shelter needs to provide shade and some respite from the heat without which you will run the risk of sunstroke and/or heat exhaustion.  Lastly, in the wilderness, humans must always contend with various insects, reptiles and predatory animals and so your shelter needs to provide some protection from these “critters” that would not make very good “house guests” with you.  Predators, like bears, will be attracted to any food supplies you might have and so special care must be made to not have food or garbage located too near (or inside) your shelter.  Like the Native Americans before us, surviving in the wilderness might very well mean moving around to other outdoor locations depending on what the availability of water and food supplies in the area you are in are like. 

Having a great shelter in the wilderness without food and water is no better than having a great shelter in an urban setting without food or water.  Making shelter in a survival situation without proper consideration of the other basic requirements (above) is just a no-win situation – consider everything together and not just as a checklist item all by itself.

NOTE: I will be writing more about selecting, building and securing your shelters (the “how-to” information) in future BLOG postings

Stay tuned for the next BLOG post that will continue with the skeleton framework and will discuss #2 on the list: “Water”.


Survival is a combination of preparedness plus a survival mindset. If you have the WILL to survive, the skills/knowledge to survive, as well as, some planning and preparation ▬ then you will ultimately survive. Don't wait until it is too late or your chances for survival will diminish accordingly. As always, good luck and know I am on your side. ~~ The Survival Guy